MK Waxing Studio
Say no to fur and whip off your shirt with pride!
Hair is removed from the nape of the neck, full back, shoulders down to the T-shirt line and any strays round the collar bones.
Want to extend your back wax treatment with an upper arm wax? Hair is removed down to the elbow and blended in with clippers.
Please note: Those with LIGHT, SPARSE hair will enjoy the lowest tariff whilst those with AVERAGE or DENSE growth and above will be on the higher tariffs (due to more time and product required).
Fed up with spots and stubble on your nether regions? No more prickly chestnuts and furry butt cheeks.
Hair is thoroughly waxed from the buttock cheeks and crack for an amazingly clean finish. Once you've waxed your crack, you'll never go back!
Hair is removed from the scrotum and around the base and shaft of the penis (leaving you with trimmed hair on the pubic mound). The line is then blended into upper leg to create a natural fading.
Not got much hair on the buttocks but still want a smooth runway? Then this combo is for you.
Complete removal of hair from the front of the nether regions (scrotum, penis and the entire pubic mound).
Full hair removal from the front intimate
area plus crack. Be a real peach on the
Hair is removed from the scrotum, penis,
lower back, buttock cheeks and crack
(leaving you with neatly clippered hair on
the pubic mound for a more natural look).
Hair is whisked away from front and back
leaving you tidy and smooth all over. Banish that shaving rash for good. Silky smooth and fresh all round.
£5 discount when you book a back and intimate wax in the same session (this may be discounted further if you have particularly sparse hair).
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