Fetch yourself a cuppa and get the lowdown on all things waxing.
You can reach me by email, Whatsapp or text. However, I only check my emails once per day whereas my phone is pretty much surgically attached to me most of the time, so it’s generally best to go for the latter.
Well I won't feel a thing. But....Oh sorry, did you mean YOU? Well obviously it’s not entirely pain free like shaving as you are wrenching a hair out of its root, but it depends on your pain threshold. Women tend to be better than men in my experience, but with the right technique and good products it helps to minimise discomfort.
As a general rule, most customers come back between 5-7 weeks but it depends on your hair growth and how high maintenance you are!
Please note, your skin won't be hair free for that amount of time but it should be at the optimum length again to ensure a good result again at your next treatment.
You're never too old unless you have any medical conditions that prevent waxing or very fragile skin that is likely to get damaged. Other than that, you have just as much right to get waxed as a younger person.
If it makes you feel any better, I can tell you that the oldest man on my books is 75 (who is still a happy regular) and the oldest lady is rocking it at 70. The average age for male intimate waxing in my salon is late 40s to late 50s, and quite a few are 60+ (check out my client my infographics here).
I've seen all shapes and sizes in my waxing studio so there's no judgement here. If you're really worried about your weight and size in relation to salon furniture, I can confirm that my treatment couch takes up to 235kg (37 stone) and my chair takes up to 19 stone.
So many people are often almost apologetic if they're a hairy Mary or a bushy Bertie, but that's what you're here for silly billy! Chances are, I've seen someone hairier anyway. Besides, it doesn't matter where you start, everyone walks away the same: hairfree and carefree.
Let's face it, unless you're a gynaecologist, smear test nurse, brazilian waxer or porn star, chances are you've not seen as many nether regions as I have unless you're tearing it up on Tinder every week. I see all shapes and sizes on a daily basis and there's no such thing as 'normal'. Many women worry that their inner labia is clearly visible and lots of chaps may secretly worry about the size of their manhood or shape of their scrotum, but variety is the spice of life and no two people are the same. I'm not here to judge anyone's fandango or tinky winky - it's a waxing studio not a fashion show.
You can rest assured that your confidentiality is taken very seriously and respected at all times - from your medical and treatment details to anything you tell me (unless of course you're planning a bank heist or admit to burying your husband under the patio).
We all know that most salons can often be a hotbed of gossip but it goes without saying that it stays safely within these four walls. Indeed, what's said in MK waxing studio, stays in MK Waxing Studio.
If you've spent time and money getting your body inked, you're gonna want to show it off in its best light and that means removing any hair to really make it pop. However, the area must be fully healed before it can be waxed.
Having a spray tan BEFORE your treatment is a complete waste of money as I shall be waxing it straight off!
Tanning (whether it be spray or a sunbed) AFTER your wax is also a no no as you don't want to introduce any products into open pores or aggravate the skin with heat.
It is strongly advised to refrain from exercise for 24 after your wax since your pores will be slightly open and your skin maybe sensitive and sweat and bacteria entering the pores can cause infection. So put your feet up and relax for the night.
Exfoliate a few days beforehand to ensure that any dead skin cells are removed and no hair is trapped underneath. Please skip any body oil or greasy lotion as wax may not adhere as well, make sure hair is long enough (at least half a centimetre), bring along a loose fitting cotton T-shirt (for back and chest waxing), clean loose fitting underpants (for intimate waxing) if you've been in the same clothes all day. Click here for further info.
I don't retail, however, I can point you in the right direction if you wish to purchase suitable products to use in between treatments.
Don't apply anything perfumed as it may sting and irritate your skin and off the shelf creams may block your pores if they are too thick.
However, a very light application of E45 cream is ok if you feel you need it, but I will apply the appropriate aftercare products for you.
Hopping into a hot bath or shower straight after a wax is not a good idea as you don't want to add heat to freshly waxed skin.
If you are going out and need to have a wash then just make sure your shower is luke warm.
There are many ingrown hair products out there and Aloe Clear seems to be a favourite among my fellow waxers.
If you have dry skin, you will need to exfoliate 2-3 times per week as the hair can become trapped under the skin (make sure you don't scrub any more than this as the goal is to remove superfluous skin cells and not skin that should be there!).
If you wear tights, leggings or tight trousers this is a common culprit. When your hair starts to grow back, it can't push upwards against tight clothing and can grow back in on itself.
These are some of the reasons why you can get ingrown hairs and how to take steps to minimise the chance of it, however, there are some people who are prone to them whatever they do, so you just have to do the best you can.
Hopefully yes! However, I can't give a definite time frame as everyone is different. I've had clients whose hair has visibly reduced within several treatments and other who've been to me for years before they start to see it thinning out.
The main thing is to persevere. If have a few waxes then shave or trim once or twice then you'll go back to square one. Stick at it and it will pay off eventually.
A quick guide to all those awkward questions.
No! I wouldn't make anyone do something I didn't want to do. There's more than one way to skin a cat (I think there's a rude joke in there somewhere...) and I certainly know my way around the waxing Karma Sutra. I've waxed pregnant ladies, plus sized ladies, people with temporary injuries, mobility issues and mild disabilities - so there's always a way round most things. If you feel uncomfortable at any point just let me know and I can adapt.
It can hurt more a few days beforehand, during and just at the tail end of your cycle, but if you don't want to miss your wax just 'plug in' and come along. However, all I ask is that you please warn me if you are wearing a tampon so I can be extra careful. A mooncup is also a great option if you are familiar with using those.
Now while we're on the subject of Aunt Flo, I feel it is my utmost duty to extoll the virtues of modibodi period pants. If you haven't heard about them or tried them then you really must check them out as they're a total game changer.
Yes you can, however, I'm not insured to wax before the third trimester. After than anything goes so long as you're fit and well and have no contraindications to waxing. I've treated ladies right up until a week before their due date and I haven't whipped out the forceps and hot towels yet!
You need to wait least six weeks if all goes to plan. Everything must be fully healed especially after a C-section or episiotomy. If you've just pushed a 9 pounder out of your coochie, I'm sure the last thing you want to do is come for a wax anyway.
If you want your nipple area, lower back fluff or random belly hairs waxed, you only have to ask. I've had people take a while to pluck up the courage to mention it so you're not the only one out there. I've seen it all before and I won't bat an eyelid. It's not weird, it's not abnormal, and more people have hair lurking in these places than they care to let on - they just don't shout it from the rooftops.
Everything you wanted to know about waxing but were too afraid to ask.
For some reason, men are generally the biggest nervous nellies of all, but rest assured, Auntie Katie will look after you! Male grooming is becoming extremely popular these days but a lot of guys take a while to pluck up the courage to make that first appointment and tend to read the website inside out before picking up the phone.
Listen up gents, you're just getting your downstairs hair removed, I promise your love spuds are still going to be intact when I've finished. You've taken the first step by reading this, all you have to do next is show up, get waxed and enjoy the smooth results afterwards. You'll be glad you did it.
Yes! So many men ask this and I get the impression they're worried about what people might think as if they're doing something unusual. I have loads of men on my books - waxing isn't just for the ladies anymore. This is the reason I compiled some stats of my current client base as I get this question a lot. Scroll further down this page for more info on my customer demographic, it may put your mind at rest to know that you’re not alone.
We know a lot of men worry about this but most waxers have seen it and heard it all before. It's fairly unlikely when someone is brandishing a spatula full of wax in your direction, but if something happens beyond your control, you won't be kicked out the door. Bodies can be strange and unexpected things as we all know. So long as you’re appropriate and respectful, your therapist will just keep calm and carry on.
I can't guarantee that won't happen as the chest is a very sensitive area and most prone to breakouts after waxing. However, the customers whose chest I do wax seem to be fine, perhaps some are a little pink till the next day but all in all it's OK.
Occasionally, some people may get a few spots on their shoulders especially if they have pale and sensitive skin or are new to waxing. But that generally subsides within a couple of days.
The most important thing is that you follow the aftercare to minimise any possible reactions. That means skipping the gym or any other exercise likely to cause you to sweat. I'll go through the aftercare on the day but it's all on the website in the 'pre & post wax' section.
The main aftercare is to avoid heat, friction and lotions and potions (unless that products that your waxer applies or recommends). Your skin may be more sensitive that normal after a wax, so you don't want to risk getting sweat in the pores as bacteria can lead to infection and spots. So take a night off the exercise, take it easy and admire your freshly waxed skin for the next 24 hours.
I often get asked this question. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you should only wax for YOU not what someone else thinks. Some women love a hairy guy, some like a smooth runway, some like in between and some really don't care. You are you and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But if your unwanted hair is bugging you then you've come to the right place.
After having so many people ask questions about the average age and gender ratio of my customers, I decided to compile some statistics and infographics based on my large client base (figures complied in 2022).
Obviously no names are mentioned, but if you're worried that you're too old or you think that it's mainly women that get waxed then think again!
Take a look at the file below to find out the average age range, exact age of all my customers and the most popular treatments - you may be surprised...
Client-Stats (pdf)
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